Dr. Jenevora Williams je strokovnjakinja za zdravo uporabo glasu, učenje mladih glasov in soustanoviteljica Inštituta Vocal Health Education. Več o njej lahko preberete tukaj.
Na delavnici o razvoju in učenju mladih glasov se boste naučili:
- razvojne mejnike pri glasovnem razvoju in kako jih prepoznati
- omejitve in potencial razvoja glasov pred in med mutacijo
- razlike pri razvoju glede spola
- praktične vaje
- in mnogo več (podroben opis vsebine v angleščini najdete spodaj)
Delavnica v angleškem jeziku bo v nedeljo, 16.4.2023 od 10. do 17. ure v prostorih zavoda VOICE UP! v Cerknici.
Maskimalno število udeležencev je 12
Cena na osebo je 150 evrov (kosilo vključeno).
Za privajo prosim pišite mail na info@voiceup.si
Teaching Young Voices
One-day course with Dr Jenevora Williams
This course will give you a firm foundation in the development of children’s voices, what they are
capable of at each stage and the issues encountered during puberty.
If you are a singing teacher, a choral director, a classroom music teacher or a Musical Theatre MD
– this is what you need to know. The content is based on research evidence and a lifetime of
experience in the field; it is not a teaching method, you will be given the tools to devise your own
teaching strategies.
• Why teach singing to children? Technique and wellbeing
• Communication style in lessons – learning theories
• Early development – infant to 6yrs
• Early musical experiences
• Singing age 7-11 years
• Vocal development
• Musical development including singing in tune
• Adolescent girls
• The role of hormones in vocal development
• Common issues like breathiness in the voice
• Adolescent boys
• Recognising the stages of voice change
• How to keep singing though these changes
• Common challenges such as working with a limited range or choosing whether to use falsetto
• Vocal health for young voices