Manual therapy has been used for centuries in order to release muscular tension and help improve movement. We use different manual techniques to support muscular and fascial release as well as joint mobilization. Barbara is currently finishing her diploma in manual therapy at the Akademija za Manualno Terapijo in Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Walt Fritz’s Foundation in Myofascial Release and Laryngeal Massage is a patient-centered method that also focusses on the client’s individual needs. Many SLPs, SLTs, massage therapists and voice professionals today understand the need to release excessive tension in the vocal and swallowing structures in order to produce sound efficiently and improve any issues an individual might encounter in the throat, mouth and neck as well as pain in the surrounding structures.
MDH Breathing Coordination is the study of how different structures in our body collaborate for optimal breathing. It reduces excessive tension and restores a healthy balance in our muscles and skeletal system in order to allow for calm and efficient ventilation. This method has been developed in the early 2000’s based on the research and lifelong work of breathing pioneer Carl Stough. Its advantages are a precise physical assessment of each individual’s breathing mechanism in order to offer a taylor-made treatment based on the specific needs of the client as well as a very gentle and calming overall approach to the client. MDH Breathing Coordination is an educational tool teaching a more efficient use of the physical structures, but is often found to have a therapeutic effect and can be used for people of all ages and needs.
Art of Breath (now Shiftadapt) is a athletic performance breathing program developed by Brian MacKenzie and Rob Wilson. It includes CO2 tolerance testing and improvement, nasal breathing development and the highly efficient Breathing Gears to help with optimizing your oxygen and energy use.
Barbara has also successfully completed a Master of Arts degree in vocal pedagogy, the Wim Hof Fundamentals course and regularly participates in online and offline workshops and training events.